Research Partnerships and IJAS

The opportunities for middle and high school students to conduct research is increasing. The Iowa Academy of Science offers the Starr Research Program through the Iowa Junior Academy of Science for students wanting to learn the research process. Other opportunities are available for students through various independent partnerships. These partnerships are available through colleges and universities that are cooperating with school districts. Individual students may participate by contacting the sponsoring organization.

Students are NOT required to be IJAS members to participate in the partnerships but they must be IJAS members to present at the IJAS Science Symposium and participate in other IJAS activities.

For project ideas and more information follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Learn about the FESIRSE requirements

STEP 2: Read the IJAS Guidelines




STEP 4: Complete your research project


STEP 5: Register for the IJAS Science Symposium

STEP 6: Enjoy the Conference!

For project ideas and more information follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Read the IJAS Guidelines


STEP 3: Follow the IJAS Guidelines to design, conduct, and present your research
STEP 4: Present at an IJAS approved Iowa regional science fair and/or the Iowa State Science and Technology Fair

STEP 4: Follow the IJAS Guidelines to present at the IJAS Science Symposium

STEP 5: Register for the IJAS Science Symposium

STEP 5: Enjoy the Conference!