ISTS Journal Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: Experiments, laboratory exercises, lecture demonstrations, instructional settings, and other descriptions involving the use of chemicals, equipment, and instructional methods are presented in this journal as illustrative and directed at qualified science teachers. Manuscripts are reviewed to monitor the safe use of chemicals, materials, and equipment and to encourage the safe selection of instructional settings and methods, however the Iowa Academy of Science and Iowa Science Teachers Section does not assume any responsibility for the use or recommendations made in its published materials. Before implementing any materials published in this journal, users should carefully read all directions, consider all safety concerns, and make appropriate decisions based upon the age and abilities of the targeted audience. The user of any published materials from the Iowa Science Teachers Journal agrees to hold the Iowa Academy of Science and Iowa Science Teachers Section harmless and waive any and all claims against the Iowa Academy of Science and Iowa Science Teachers Section, their officers, directors, editors, reviewers, members, employees, attorneys, agents, successors and assigns, resulting from any and all liabilities incurred as a result of implementing or attempting to implement any materials and ideas described.

The Iowa Academy of Science promotes science research, science education, the public understanding of science and recognizes excellence in these endeavors.

© 2014 Iowa Academy of Science